Friday, February 19, 2010

A Late Start For 2010

The end of 2009 was quite an ending. Losing Alex was the hardest of all. It's taken all this time to finally pull up my boots and get on with life.
So far over the past few weeks, I am beginning to get my spirit back and I certainly feel blessed for so many reasons.

I went back and read some of my old poetry and realized how good of a writer I was. I wrote my book "Poems by Pakni" and am thinking about publishing it. I'm also thinking about writing a "collection of stories" .. not necessarily a book about my life, although very entertaining, I'd like to write about the "funny" things and the "miracles" that have happened. The book I'm thinking about writing is a very positive and uplifting kind of book. I do believe this is a goal I'll make for myself this year. "A Collection of Stories".

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