Friday, September 11, 2009

We Shall Never Forget

Eight years ago today ~ and we will never forget. My prayers go out to the families of those we lost on that unforgivable day of September 11th. I pray for our troops and their families and I pray for America and all her citizens. This morning when I was watching the news, they were showing footage of what happened. It is still a very painful memory for me, as I'm sure it is for all of us. On that Day - we all became United as One People. Things should not change. We still have our troops over there and we should never forget or stop praying for them especially now, 8 years later. I love my country, I live by my constitution and I am very proud of the men and woman that are brave, couragous and fighting for our Freedom. I say, If you cant stand behind our American Soldiers, then .. Stand In Front Of Them!
Thanks to our troops, from the bottom of my heart!!
God Bless You.

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