Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

Kanye a Jack-Ass!

It's True!! President Obama said so and I think that he finally made a statement that everyone can agree with. Jay Leno had Kanye on his show the other day and asked him what he thought his Mother would say about his actions ... well if you saw Jay's opening night .. you also saw what was almost a crying Kanye! Yeah .. he wasn't looking so cool with quivering lips and holding back his tears. But .. perhaps this is what it took for him to wake up and realize .. "He's NOT all that" and his actions proved it. On a higher note .. I think Taylor obviously showed much more maturity, intelligence and class than Kanye has in his pinky finger nail. Of course, it's just my opinion.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We Shall Never Forget

Eight years ago today ~ and we will never forget. My prayers go out to the families of those we lost on that unforgivable day of September 11th. I pray for our troops and their families and I pray for America and all her citizens. This morning when I was watching the news, they were showing footage of what happened. It is still a very painful memory for me, as I'm sure it is for all of us. On that Day - we all became United as One People. Things should not change. We still have our troops over there and we should never forget or stop praying for them especially now, 8 years later. I love my country, I live by my constitution and I am very proud of the men and woman that are brave, couragous and fighting for our Freedom. I say, If you cant stand behind our American Soldiers, then .. Stand In Front Of Them!
Thanks to our troops, from the bottom of my heart!!
God Bless You.