Friday, June 24, 2011

Take Me Away

Oh, as always, I try to see the positive through (my) lifes' small disasters. Yet, almost every body on this planet is having a hard time struggling through very difficult times. In our country of these United States we have "middle-class" families that are becoming homeless - children that are literally going hungry. The economy is collapsing all around the world, the rich are getting wealthier, the middle-class are getting weaker. All over the planet we are having devastating natural disasters. Earthquakes, flooding, famine, our ozone layer is depleted, ice burgs are melting and leaving alot of our precious wild animals ie: polar bears near extinction, not to mention all the jungles in Borneo and Sumatra that are jeopardizing the wild life that has depended on those areas for survival.

I can go on and on about all of this .... when I think of my "life disasters", I have to Thank God for all my blessings no matter how large or small. Sometimes, I just close my eyes and let my imagination just "Te Me Away".